WhatsApp is bringing quite a few new features to the chat platform. Following the recent release of disappearing messages on WhatsApp earlier this month, the developers have started rolling out iOS to Android migration and message reactions similar to iMessage.
The long-awaited chat history migration feature between Android and iOS is finally becoming a reality. However, at the moment, the feature is only available for Samsung phones running Android 10 or newer. You will also need a USB-C to Lightning cable to initiate the process. If you don’t have a Samsung device, you’re out of luck for now. However, the WhatsApp developers have announced that this feature will be rolling out to other Android devices soon.
Another new feature that is also coming to the WhatsApp beta version is message reactions. This feature allows users to react to messages with other emojis and not another message. This feature is already available on other chatting apps like Signal, Apple’s iMessage, and even Google Messages. However, at the moment, the feature would appear slightly restricted, with only about seven emojis to choose from. There is also currently no exact date on when this feature will be released to beta users. However, it is said to come to Android users first.
At the moment, very little has been released about the feature and exactly how it will work and when users can expect the public rollout. All that we know for sure is that reactions will not be anonymous, so everyone will know precisely who reacted to a message. Also, once the features start rolling out, you will receive a notification asking you to update to the latest version of WhatsApp so that you can start reacting with other emojis.
Another feature that we’re looking forward to is multi-device support. This feature is supposed to be released sometime before the end of the year and will allow users to use their WhatsApp on up to four different devices at once. Then there is also a feature currently in beta that will make it easier for users to send mobile payments on the platform.
Closing words
These new features for WhatsApp that are coming to Android are making it even easier to use the app. From iOS to Android migration and emoji reactions to multi-device support and mobile platforms, things are definitely happening at WhatsApp. I look forward to seeing if these features turn out to be all they promised.
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